A IAM solution generated with a custom low-code platform.

Building blocks for a identity management solution tailored to the needs of every company.

running the demo docker image

homer@thebat:~$ docker run -i -p 9091:9091 personify/personify

Give the application some slack for initializing before browsing to the user interface on http://localhost:9091

homer@thebat:~$ google-chrome http://localhost:9091

Log in with homer.simpson@springfield.com and password Azerty1234&

documentation and knowledge base

Check here to quickly get started and learn more about core building blocks of elegant identity management.

built on top of docker
built on top of wicket
built on top of spring
built on top of grafana
built on top of prometheus
built on top of prometheus


A open source and performant spring-boot scim server implementation with customizable persistence layers

Available either as a docker image or downloadable source at bitbucket